Behind the designs, let me introduce you to our designteam!
Our design team has grown considerably in recent years. In total, we now offer designs made by 10 different designers.
Some customers choose designs from one specific designer. Especially when they have a very specific style and remain very loyal to it.
And of course, we are very proud of the fantastic talents in our team. It's time we put them in the spotlight. We start with Astrid. Astrid #2 that is...

Astrid Brockhus at work
Astrid Brockhus is an energetic designer with, like Astrid Davidse, a background in fashion. After a few years off in which 3 children demanded a lot of attention, she started working on pattern design.
She remembers very clearly how Astrid (Davidse) took ample time to talk to her when she wanted to present herself to design studios at design shows. And she really loved the presentation of the Astrid Davidse stands.
And although she was already doing an internship with a competitor of ours, she really wanted to work for us when she noticed that we gave her a lot more space to work out her own ideas.

And she has plenty of ideas. Why not encourage that? She can be completely absorbed while designing, you probably know how that is. As an incorrigible perfectionist, we have to temper her a little.
She likes it when customers have surprising demands or specific wishes. She can deal with that smoothly.

Astrid's painting talent suits us perfectly. Usually, she works in her studio at home in Dordrecht. Crisis proof and safe now too.
All paintings are digitized meticulously and further processed in Photoshop.
Every day she consults the design team in the studio in The Hague (online or by phone, of course) about possible new developments and adjustments for customers.
As you can see, her paintings and the way she places them is perfect for all sorts of textiles.

We never had many children's designs. But when she came up with a series for this, more designers were inspired and now we suddenly have a nice selection ready.

With her sparkling appearance and wide experience with customers and textile production from her fashion days, she is also part of the crew at our booth at the annual Heimtextil fair.

Botanical and jungle themes galore! Astrid loves them and made lots of them.
So, how about that design style? Do you like it?
We are so lucky to have her on our team. Many of our customers like her designs too!
If you want to see more of her and our other designers, just contact us.
So, that's all for Astrid 2. Another designer in the spotlight next week.
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